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an innovative international relations and communication office

Roedel Intl Advisor was created to simplify international relations and communication. To interact/communicate in a complex world, it is necessary to adopt intelligent strategies. With each passing day, new international opportunities arise, in all areas. A company, city, business entity or academic institution - must have an ambition to grow beyond its borders, seeking to access diversified opportunities. Roedel Intl Advisor proposes to be this bridge, capable of building international strategic relationships that generate growth.

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people impacted by our projects

+ 100

international articles for newspapers

+ 200

media interviews

+ 20

years of experience of its partners

If we take into account Roedel Intl Advisor's public clients, there are already more than 90,000 people impacted by our projects. One of our partners, Cezar Roedel PhD, is one of the main references in the international area, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil and has already granted more than 200 interviews, having a large experience in international projects.


Combined with international experience, our partner, Ms. Ana Paula Megiolaro adds to the firm her long experience in the area of communication, bringing her expertise to Roedel's projects, giving them projection, in addition to helping in the area of the international reputation of our clients.

our purpose

create smart solutions to international and communication challenges, providing strategic and innovative connections


It all starts with a well-articulated strategy.


Intelligence is the foundation.


Data is not enough. Qualified information is crucial.


Relationships open doors and generate growth.


Our work focuses on results

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